Type Inference In TypeScript
· β˜• 4 min read · ✍️ Adesh
We will learn about type inference in Typescript. What Is Type System? A type system is a set of rules that assigns a property called type to the various constructs of a computer program, such as variables, expressions, functions or modules.

Spread Operator In TypeScript
· β˜• 4 min read · ✍️ Adesh
In Typescript, you can use spread operator to spread the element of an array or object. The spread operator can be used for initializing an array or object from another array or object.

Cool features of Generics in TypeScript
· β˜• 5 min read · ✍️ Adesh
Generics is not a new term in today’s programming world. Most of the programming language has this feature. Today, we are going to learn about Generics in TypeScript. It is very easy, and powerful feature of any programming language.

Learn Functions In TypeScript
· β˜• 5 min read · ✍️ Adesh
In this blog, we are going to learn about various kind of functions used in TypeScript. Functions are core of any programming language. Functions are used to write readable, maintainable and reusable code of blocks in any programming language.