In this tutorial, we will learn about developing smart contracts for ethereum using Remix and ReatJS.
Remix is a powerful, open-source tool that helps you write Solidity contracts straight from the browser. Written in JavaScript, Remix supports both usage in the browser and locally.
Remix also provides good tools for debugging, static analysis, and deployment all within the online environment. Here is the link for Remix documentation.
What’s a Smart Contract/Dapp?
The Ethereum virtual machine and smart contracts are key elements of Ethereum, and constitute its main attraction.
In Ethereum, smart contracts represent a piece of code written in a high-level language (Solidity, LLL, Viper) and stored as bytecode in the blockchain, in order to run reliably in a stack-based virtual machine (Ethereum Virtual Machine), in each node, once invoked.
The interactions with smart contract functions happen through transactions on the blockchain network, with their payloads executes in the Ethereum virtual machine, and the shared blockchain state updates accordingly.
Let’s start with Remix IDE
You can access the Remix IDE from your web browser without any special installation. Visit and you’ll be presented with a complete IDE with a code editor and various panels for compiling, running and debugging your smart contracts. You’ll have a default example Ballot contract that you can play with.
Installing Remix IDE
You can also install Remix IDE on your machine by running the below command.
Creating a Smart Contract
Let’s create a new file RemixContract.sol
by clicking on +
button on the File Explorer of Remix IDE.
This will open the Remix editor to write your smart contract code here.
In our RemixContract, I have created the following functions.
- this is a normal class constructor and we have set a default value of our message
- this function will return message
variable to the caller.
- this function will set the message
by the caller.
- this will return our hard-coded message to the caller.
Once we finish with writing our smart contract, it’s time to compile it to check any error. Let’s see how to compile a smart contract in Remix IDE.
Compiling a smart contract
Remix provides us the feature of compiling our smart contract.
Click on the Solidity compiler from the left menubar (red rectangular) to compile your smart contract.
On the top of the Solidity Compiler screen, it will show the selected compiler version. You can change to any other compiler version from this dropdown.
The second dropdown is for showing compiler language.
Compiling is triggered when you click the Compile
button. If you want the file to be compiled each time the file is saved or when another file is selected - check the auto compile checkbox.
After each compilation, a list is updated with all newly compiled contracts. A compiled contract can be selected with the Contract pulldown menu. Multiple contracts are compiled when one contract imports other contracts. Selecting a contract will show information about that one.
When the “Compilation Details” button is clicked, a modal opens displaying detailed information about the currently selected contract.
Deploy and Run a smart contract
The Deploy & Run module allows you to send transactions to the current environment.
To get to the Run & Deploy module - click the run icon in the icon panel and then click on the Deploy
Once you click on the Deploy
button, a transaction will happen and it will deploy our contract. The deployed contract will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Now, you can play with this contract’s functions here. Now, let’s move to the UI part where you are going to call these functions in our ReactJS app.
Creating a ReactJS app
Let’s create a ReactJS app named remixclient
using the below command.
Adding Web3.js library in a React App
The web3.js library is a collection of modules which contain specific functionality for the ethereum ecosystem. The web3-eth
is for the ethereum blockchain and smart contracts.
First you need to get web3.js
into your project.
Connect Ganache with Remix
Ganache is used for setting up a personal Ethereum Blockchain to deploy contracts, develop your applications, and run tests. It gives you the ability to perform all actions you would on the main chain without the cost. It provides convenient tools such as advanced mining controls and a built-in block explorer. Basically Ganache runs local instance of Ethereum.
I have already installed Ganache on my local machine, so please install it before moving forward.
Open your Remix IDE, and you can see different options under Environment dropdown.
JavaScript VM
- This lets you run your contract directly in the browser using a JavaScript implementation of the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM). It is good for simple testing but each time when you reload the page it will start a new blockchain.
Injected Web3
- Web3 is the interface for interacting with an Ethereum node. When you install Metamask, it injects web3 implementation into every web page. Using this option, you can use that injected implementation to deploy your contract to test networks or main Ethereum network.
Web3 Provider
Using this option you can directly connect to an Ethereum node via HTTP. You can use this option to connect to Ganache or Geth. You will need to provide the URL address to the selected provider: Geth, Parity or any Ethereum client.
So let’s select Web3
provider from this dropdown, which prompts you whether you want to connect to Ethereum node. Clicking OK will gain prompt you to provide the Web3 provider endpoint.
It will ask you for Web3 provider endpoint url. Since we are going to use our local instance of Ganache, let’s open our Ganache.
Copy Ganache RPC server url and paste it inside the Web3 Provider Endpoint input box and click OK button.
While connecting to Ganache, if you get below error, try to switch https
to http
from Remix url.
Now, we have successfully connected our Ganache to Remix and it is showing Ganache Network ID 5777 as well. Let’s re-deploy our contract as well.
Click on Deploy
button again, and a transaction will happen. Since our Ganache is connected to Remix now, you can see the same transaction in Ganache as well.
Here is the transaction hash from Remix console.
You can also verify created contract’s Address here from Remix IDE in this transaction entry. Copy the deployed contract’s address from Remix IDE.
So we have succefully connected our Ganache to Remix and deployed the contract over there as well.
Create Contact’s ABI file in React App
Now, its time to work on our React app. First of all, we have to create a contract’s ABI
json file in our src
folder of React app.
Open VS Code and choose your project folder. Create a file ContractABI.js
file inside src
folder. Now, you will be wondering where to get the contract’s ABI file. So, here is the solution to get the contract’s ABI file.
Go to Remix IDE and click on ABI
button to copy the contract’s ABI file.
Inside the ContractABI.js
file, assign this copied array to a react const ContractABI
, something similar to below code.
Changing App.js file
Now, after creating contract’s ABI json file, it’s time to change our App.js
file to interact with all contract’s methods.
Here is the complete for App.js
Our UI will look like below.
Test our React app
1. Get default message
Click on Get Default Message
button and you will see the result in the browser’s console window.
2. Get message
Click on Get Message
button and you will see the result in the browser’s console window.
3. Set custom message
Now, we are going to set the custom message and get it again. When you click on Set Message
button, a transaction will happen and it will be shown in the console window.
You can verify the same transaction entry in your Ganache server as well. Below is the transaction hash:
4. Get custom message
Click on Get Message
button to get our custom message.
You can also verify your custom message in Remix IDE. Go to Remix IDE and click on getMessage